Informace o změnách v testování
Vážení veteránisté, většina z Vás již jistě ví, že od 1. září 2023 dojde ke změnám v testování a přihlašování historických vozidel na zvláštní registrační značky (zelené značky,…
Federace klubů historických
vozidel národní autorita Fiva v ČR
Obecné dotazy:
1.1. Under article 18 of the FIVA statutes the General Assembly delegates the power to control events to its Events Commission (EC), The EC’s remit covers all matters concerning the organisation, direction and management of such events within the FIVA specified sector of interest.
1.2. Article 19 of the FIVA statutes authorises the FIVA General Assembly to issue and approve a code to govern FIVA events.
1.3. The elected board of the EC is defined as the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary.
2.1. Definition
A historic event is an event for vehicles within the FIVA age limit as per the FIVA Technical Code, which uses roads and for which routes are issued by organisers.
2.2. Types of FIVA historic events
2.2.1. Historic regularity event
An event of a touring nature in which the highest speed or shortest time is not a deciding factor but in which average speeds of 50 km/h or less must be imposed on public roads. On dual carriage ways, closed roads, circuits or in remote areas of the world with wide open roads average speeds may be increased up to 80 km/h with the permission of the ANF (FIVA National Authority), ASN (FIA National Sporting Authority) or chairman of the EC. Manoeuvrability tests may be included in the itinerary as outlined in paragraph 7.1.14. Highest speed or shortest time must never be the deciding factor.
2.2.2. Historic long distance event
Same definition as for regularity events but with longer distances or in difficult conditions or areas.
2.2.3. Historic touring assembly
An event of a non-competitive character will be regarded as a touring assembly. If there is a classification this must not be decided by a timing element.
2.2.4. Concours d’Élégance
An event where the quality of vehicles will be judged to standards set by the organiser according to the technical code.
2.3. Categories of events
There are two categories of FIVA events:
2.3.1. Category “A”
All events with an international character and/or all events which are mostly organised outside of the home country of the organiser. These events are
governed by FIVA rules through their EC and for which the FIVA will appoint one or more international stewards.
2.3.2. Category “B”
An event governed by the FIVA ANF, as defined in article 18 of the FIVA statutes, run mainly in their own country to their national rules and for which the
ANF will appoint a national steward.
3.1. Category “A” and “B” events must be inscribed on the FIVA calendar by the EC. One or more calendars will be produced each year. To be included in the calendar, applications on the form at annex “B”, together with a draft of the event regulations, must be sent to the EC no later than 1st October of the previous year or at least 6 months before the date of the event. Simultaneously the organiser must send all this information to his ANF who must send its comments to the EC within two weeks of receipt. The first calendar will be published shortly after the General Assembly.
3.2. The elected board of the events commission is empowered to accept or to refuse any application for a calendar entry. In case of a doubt about the character and quality of the event, such a decision must be taken after consultation with the appropriate ANF. The events commission is also empowered to apply sanctions or fines against event organisers who do not comply with the FIVA rules.
3.3. In the event of any dispute arising between an ANF and an organiser as to the application or operation of this Code, either party may refer the matter to a board of appeal, appointed by the General Committee, for a decision which is final.”
3.4. In the case of category “A” events with clashing dates, the elected board of the EC is empowered to reject one of the applications.
3.5. The calendar inscription fees will be decided annually by the FIVA General Assembly. The EC will invoice the organiser. The basic fee is due for payment against invoice within 30 days. The FIVA event licence will only be valid after the confirmed inscription in the calendar and the payment. The additional fees for category “A” events will be due for payment against invoice within 30 days. Additional fees will be based on the number of participants and days of the event confirmed in the report of the FIVA Steward(s).
3.6. Each year the EC should nominate one or more category “A” event as the FIVA World Rally. Applications for the FIVA World Rally can be made at any time. Approval and designation will be announced three years in advance. Initial application for world rallies need only give an outline of the venue, date and general description of the rally indicating the number and type of vehicles which will be allowed to enter. At the General Assembly immediately preceding the FIVA World Rally, a full and comprehensive report on the organisation of the rally must be submitted to the EC by the organiser.
3.7. At the General Assembly after the FIVA World Rally, a full and comprehensive report on the organisation and running of the rally must be submitted to the EC by the appointed steward.
4.1. All events held under the authority and control of the FIVA must follow the FIVA Events Code and the FIVA Technical Code except where they are in conflict with the national law.
4.2. Each ANF of FIVA is responsible for ensuring that the Events Code and Technical Code are adhered to for all FIVA events in their country. The relevant laws and regulations of each respective country or ANF must also be adhered to when organising and running the event.
4.3. Where an event spans the territory of more than one country, the organiser must obtain the approval of the FIVA ANF in the other countries.
4.4 Where it is evident to the event organiser that the use on public roads of a certain vehicle would be in conflict with the law, the entrant and the vehicle must be excluded.
4.5. The FIVA logo should be displayed on all public documents in a prominent position.
4.6. FIVA can invite organisers to co-operate in sponsorship arrangements.
5.1. Classification for category “A” and “B” events vehicles
“A” and “B” events should be organised in accordance with the vehicle period classification laid down in the FIVA Technical Code.
5.1.1. All FIVA approved category “A” and “B” events should use this classification. Sub-divisions are allowed. Other forms of classification may be used if part of a historic tradition.
5.1.2. The acceptance of an entry for a particular class is at the discretion of the organisers.
5.2. Technical requirements for vehicles
5.2.1. FIVA has published a Technical Code so that historic vehicles may compete under a set of rules that preserves the specification of their period and prevents the modifications of performance and behaviour which would arise through the application of later technology.
5.2.2. Vehicles are required to comply with FIVA Technical Code and their FIVA Identity Card.
5.2.3. Organisers are required to make a report through the FIVA Steward to the Technical Commission of the FIVA if the identity card of a competing vehicle is incorrectly documented or does not correspond to the vehicle.
5.2.4. Appearance of the vehicles The only advertising and livery allowed on the vehicle is the advertising provided by the organiser.
6.1. Competitors taking part in a category “A” or “B” event are required to possess a driving licence which allows them to drive that vehicle on normal public roads. No additional licence is required. The passenger or navigator is not required to possess a driving licence but may not drive unless in possession of one.
6.2. Vehicles taking part in the FIVA events must have been issued with a FIVA Identity Card. A photocopy of all pages of this document must be sent to the organiser at the time of entering, Entrants arriving without the original identity document must not be permitted to compete.
6.3. No competitor will be allowed to start in the event unless:
6.3.1. an appropriate driving licence is produced;
6.3.2. all required declarations have been signed by the driver and all passengers in the competing vehicle. Any indemnity declaration must be in a form and
content to protect the organisers, ANF(s) and FIVA in the countries used;
6.3.3. documents as required in article 6.2.of this code are produced;
6.3.4. the competing vehicle is safe and in a roadworthy condition;
6.3.5. the competitor has insurance cover as per article 12 of this code.
7.1. General rules
7.1.1. The organisers of category “A” and “B” events must use the FIVA Events Code. Supplementary regulations and local regulations can be created as long as they are in accordance with the FIVA Events Code.
7.1.2. Regulations for “A” events must be in either French or English which will be the official, binding language. If both are used it is up to the organiser to declare which one is the official text. A duplicate in the language of the country organising the event or in another language is allowed, but will not be the
official text.
7.1.3. Different routes, average speeds and rules may be stipulated by the organisers for the different classes of vehicles. Furthermore the requirements must be such that they can reasonably be met by inexperienced drivers with ordinary vehicles. The organiser is recommended to use a coefficient or handicap system which allows older vehicles to compete with younger vehicles.
7.1.4. The organiser has the right to refuse an entry without giving a reason.
7.1.5. The overall results of category “A” and “B” regularity events must be predominantly based on driving skill, timekeeping and navigation. Sufficient
tests must be included in the event to establish these results.
7.1.6. The FIVA recommends organisers to include in the event regulations a method for the encouragement of the authenticity of the competing vehicles.
7.1.7. Separate awards may be given in a “concours d’élégance” for originality and quality of preservation and for other forms of competition at the discretion of the organiser.
7.1.8. The organiser of events open to the participation of motorcycles should provide route marking and route cards suitable for that type of vehicle and in
compliance with any official conventions.
7.1.9. When appointed, the FIVA steward must: receive four weeks before the event the complete entry list and the latest complete route of the event including all controls, drawn on a
suitable map as well as all information given to the competitors. receive when arriving at the start of the event all route books, a copy of all the required authorisations as well as the insurance policies for
the event.
7.1.10. At their own expense, the organisers are obliged to provide the FIVA steward(s) with a good standard of transport, accommodation and meals during
the whole period of the event. The organiser is required to cover the travelling and other expenses of the steward in connection with the event and refund
these expenses upon production of an invoice from the steward not later than the last day of the event.
7.1.11. Rally plates The organiser may supply each crew with rally plates. Competitors should ensure that they remove rally plates after the event. The rally plates should not cover the vehicle’s licence plate(s).
7.1.12. Throughout the entire event, the crews must strictly observe the traffic laws of the countries covered. Any crew which does not comply with traffic laws may be subject to exclusion.
7.1.13. The organisers must check competitors speed or driving behaviour with a secret control at least once a day.
7.1.14. The EC has the right to withdraw an event from the calendar if it is not satisfied that requirements are being fulfilled.
7.1.15. If manoeuvrability tests are included there should be a penalty for early arrival and the total of distance should not exceed 3 km.
7.1.16. The minimum distance between regularity timing points where vehicles are required to stop should be 3 km.
7.2. Scrutineering of vehicles
7.2.1. All vehicles entered in an event will be examined by scrutineers appointed by the organisers. Scrutineers must be appropriately qualified.
7.2.2. The basis of the scrutineering must be the conformity of the vehicles with their FIVA Identity Card and event regulations. Vehicles must be examined before the start of an event and may be examined at any stage during the event as deemed appropriate by the organisers.
7.2.3. The emphasis of the examination must be directed towards legality, safety and roadworthiness. The examination may include appearance and authenticity.
7.2.4. The scrutineers must make a report to the organisers who are empowered to exclude from the event any vehicle which does not satisfy the requirements of the event.
7.2.5. The scrutineers examination does not imply that FIVA or the organisers accept responsibility for the legality, safety and roadworthiness of the vehicles.
Scrutineers should not sign documents accepting responsibility for such matters.
7.3. Rules for organisers prior to the event
7.3.1. Details of the event together with basic regulations, supplementary regulations and outline details of the route must be sent to the competitors not less than four weeks before the start of the event.
7.3.2. The organiser must be covered by adequate insurance as described in article 12 of this code.
7.3.3. The basic regulations must contain:
a) Name and nature of the event
b) Name and address of the organiser
c) A statement that the event incorporates the provision of the FIVA Events Code
d) The FIVA licence number
e) The place and date of the event
f) A description of the event
g) Details of eligible competitors and vehicles, including their class and category
h) The requirement for documents as per article 6.1 and 6.2 of this code
i) The maximum number of competitors and how entries are to be selected
i) The dates of the opening and closing for entries, details of the entry fee
k) The names of the officials of the event including the secretary of the event with address, the clerk of the course and the FIVA Steward
l) The time, place and method of publication of the provisional results
m) Rules for the use of electric or electronic equipment. Organisers may forbid the use of electronic measuring devices if they wish to do so
n) Rules for the use of official tender vehicles (see article 7.5.5.)
o) Protest fee and procedure
p) A list of prizes or awards
q) Summary and scale of penalties
r) Advice on competitors dress code
s) Any additional information that the organiser considers appropriate including how a tie is to be decided
7.3.4. Information should be sent to competitors at least a month before the event.
These instructions must contain:
a) The exact place and reporting time for registration and scrutineering
b) The registration arrangements for late arrivals
c) The parking arrangement for trailers and non competing vehicles
d) The details of hotels including full addresses and phone numbers
e) The address and phone number of the HQ and any phone number for emergency calls during the event
f) The list of entrants accepted for the event
7.4. Suggestions for organisers
Organisers should:
7.4.1. Avoid motorways and main roads unless useful to avoid towns and congested areas. Wherever possible, tourist roads should be selected having first taken advice on the route from the local authority.
7.4.2. Avoid having official time checks in towns and place them away from any potential traffic congestion. Intermediary time checks should be made on open stretches of the road where vehicles can pass and be checked without causing an obstruction.
7.4 3. At route and time checks, have appropriate signs at sufficient distance before the check point warning competitors of the control.
7.4.4. Avoid processions in towns or other roads at speeds of less than 20 kmlh.
7.4.5. Obtain police and local authorities co-operation at all times.
7.4.6. All competitors must be informed of any difficulties in obtaining fuel or extraordinary elements on the event.
7.5. Requirements for organisers during the event
7.5.1. Provide his own emergency phone number to assist participants in case of any medical emergency problems.
7.5.2. Competitors should be penalised by the organisers if they are charged by the police for the infringement of traffic laws.
7.5.3. Official cars must be clearly marked. Marshals and officials must be provided with and use distinctive identification.
7.5.4. Competitors should be penalised if they resort to using trailers or transporters on the official route.
7.5.5. Tender vehicles to help individual competitors or teams should not be allowed.
7.5.6. Provide breakdown rescue vehicles.
7.5.7. Publish provisional results daily
8.1 . The clerk of the course has overall responsibility of the general conduct and control of an event in accordance with the FIVA regulations, the programme and the conditions of the FIVA licence.
8.2. The clerk of the course, either directly or by delegation, is responsible for planning the route to be followed and for setting the average speeds of the event. The clerk of the course will:
8.2.1. bear in mind the safety of the competitors, officials and general public;
8.2.2. ensure that the event causes minimum obstruction to other road users;
8.2.3. avoid any instructions on the route schedule which may confuse a competitor or induce a competitor to drive dangerously or to ignore traffic regulations or speed requirements.
8.3. The clerk of the course is responsible for ensuring that the steward(s) of the event are fully informed at all times of the progress of the event. Any accident or incident that may adversely reflect on the conduct of the event must be reported by him to the steward(s).
8.4. When a FIVA Steward is appointed for an event, the clerk of the course is required to ensure that the observer knows of his whereabouts at all times and that a reliable and quick method of communication is established between them.
8.5. Penalties that the clerk of the course may impose:
8.5.1. Exclusion or time penalties must be used as sanctions. The use of financial penalties is not allowed.
8.5.2. Competitors will be disqualified by the clerk of the course for any of the following infringements:
a) driving dangerously or without due consideration for other road users;
8.5.3. Competitors may be disqualified or suffer a lesser penalty at the discretion of the clerk of the course for any of the following infringements:
a) making use at any time of any signalling device to indicate or receive advice of the position of a control (for example using mobile phones);
b) failing to declare to the organisers any accident or incident during the course of the event involving any other person or property;
c) substantial and/or deliberate deviation from the route which gives a time advantage;
d) failing to present a vehicle at pre-start scrutiny as stipulated in the regulations;
e) failing to complete documentation as stipulated in the regulations;
f) any false declaration on the entry form;
g) having the competing vehicle towed or carried over any part of the route unless authorised by the organisers;
h) being accompanied by a tender vehicle or using other organised outside help, unless authorised by the organiser
i) carrying any unauthorised passengers other than officials and/or stranded competitors;
j) failing to afford any opportunity for other vehicles to pass or deliberately preventing passage;
k) failing to report to the start official at their due start time;
l) being unfit by reason of consumption of alcohol or drugs;
m) any conduct or behaviour likely to prejudice the interests of historic motoring or unsporting behaviour against the organiser or other participants.
9.1. The right to protest lies solely with the competitor who may consider him/herself aggrieved by any decision, act or omission of an organiser, official, competitor or any other person connected with the event.
9.2. Should a competitor feel aggrieved by any circumstances affecting him on the event, he will approach the clerk of the course with his complaint. Should the complaint not be settled to his satisfaction, he has the right to protest.
9.3. The protest must be made in writing, accompanied by the protest fee in cash, within the time stated in the regulations. The clerk of the course must record the time of receipt of the protest. The protest fee should not exceed 100 CHF for each day of the event and 300 CHF in total (or in equivalent local currency). Half of any protest fee retained should be sent to the EC.
9.4. The clerk of the course will call a meeting as soon as possible with the official(s) of the event, the complainant and himself.
9.5. The clerk of the course must inform the FIVA Steward of the time and place of the meeting. The FIVA Steward should be present at this meeting but should refrain from taking part in the discussions.
9.6. The hearing of the protest should be in private with only interested / involved parties, including the clerk of the course present.
9.7. All parties must be given notice of the hearing by the clerk of the course and it should be held as soon as possible after the receipt of the protest. The parties are entitled to call witnesses but must state their own case and are not entitled to legal representation. If any party, having been given adequate notice of the hearing, fails to appear, the official(s) may give judgement in default.
9.8. Should the complainant still not be satisfied he has the right, at no extra fee, to appeal to the FIVA steward whose verdict is final.
9.9. Should the protest be successful, the protest fee will be returned.
10.1. Definition
The steward of the event shall not be in any way responsible for its organisation and shall not have any executive duty in connection therewith, nor participate as a competitor in the event. It follows, therefore, that in the discharge of their duties they do not incur any responsibility except to FIVA. The steward of the event shall have the general power and authority to enforce compliance with the regulations, and to adjudicate upon any appeal arising during the event, and in particular shall have power in accordance with paragraph 9.8.
10.2. General
10.2.1. There are two categories of steward. On category “A” events the steward is nominated and approved by the EC. On category “B” events the national
steward is appointed by the ANF. In general a steward should not be nominated more than twice in succession for the same event.
10.2.2. At the request of an ANF or EC additional national stewards can be appointed to “A” events in their own country for the part the rally running in their own country. If the ANF wishes to have (a) national steward(s) appointed the organiser is not obliged to pay their expenses.
10.2.3. The FIVA Steward for category “A” events should not, in principle, be a national of the organising country. This does not apply to any national stewards appointed under the previous paragraph.
10.2.4. The function of the first named FIVA steward is to constitute an impartial judicial body, to see that the event is running in compliance with the FIVA
Events Code, the regulations and the supplementary rules. The steward(s) is not appointed to protect the interests of the organiser or the promoter. The
FIVA Steward has the final authority on appeals.
10.2.5. The steward(s) must investigate any incident or breach of the regulations. The steward must bring any incident or breach of regulations or of local laws to the attention of the organiser and receive a written report from the organiser about the incident.
10.2.6. The FIVA Steward is empowered to withdraw incorrect FIVA Identity Cards. In case of withdrawal of a FIVA Identity Card the FIVA Steward will hand over an official ”FIVA I.D. Card Receipt”.
10.3. Appointment
10.3.1. The board of the EC will nominate one or more stewards and if possible substitutes for each category “A” event.
10.3.2. The chairman of the EC will inform the organisers of category “A” events when their event has been accepted for the FIVA calendar and will provide the name and address of the steward appointed to their event.
10.3.3. Not later than two months after receiving the information regarding the steward, the event organiser must contact the steward. The steward must ascertain that the event organiser is fully aware of the requirements of the FIVA Events Code. During the period between the nomination of the steward and the time of the event, the organiser must ensure that the steward is kept informed about preparation for the event and must provide the steward with any additional information he requires.
10.3.4. A steward unable to attend the event for which he is nominated by the EC must inform the chairman of the EC and suggest a substitute as soon as possible. The chairman of the EC is authorised to approve this substitute or to nominate a replacement.
10.3.5. The steward has the right to choose his method of transport during the event. If the steward prefers to use his own transport, the organiser will refund any reasonable costs of the steward.
10.3.6. If the steward prefers not to use his own personal transport, the organiser will provide him with a car and a co-pilot to ensure the free movement at all times during the event.
10.3.7. The organisers must provide accommodation and meals for the steward at their expense.
10.4. Report
10.4.1. The FIVA Steward must complete and send to the chairman of the EC not later than 14 days after the event a printed report following Annex C together with a copy of the results
10.4.2. The steward should send a copy of his report to the event organiser.
11.1. On no account should money or vouchers be given to competitors as a prize. Prizes should be symbolic not substantial.
12.1. The organiser of an event must effect a public liability insurance cover policy with a reputable insurer ensuring that the limit of liability is equivalent to the minimum required by national law or laws where the event takes place. The guarantees of the policy must be sufficient to protect the organisers, officials, marshals, observers and sponsors, involved in the running of the event against all claims and costs arising from accidents or incidents caused by the negligence of any of the persons or bodies mentioned above.
12.2. All competitors must possess a current certificate of insurance for their vehicle that meets the requirements laid down by the road traffic acts of the country or countries in which the event takes place. First drivers will be required to sign a legally binding declaration that both they and their second driver, and any other crew member who is to drive the car, are covered by third party insurance valid for the event and the vehicle entered. The organisers do not hold themselves to be legally competent in the interpretation of the insurance documents and cannot certify that any particular document is proof of valid insurance of the event.
12.3. If a competitor cannot sign the legally binding declaration mentioned in paragraph 12.2 the organisers must, if possible in their countries, take out additional (“secondary”) third party liability insurance for all participants to cover the risk of damage and/or personal injury to third parties that may for any reason whatsoever not be covered by the participants own vehicle insurance. If these arrangements are not possible, a competitor, who cannot sign the legally binding declaration mentioned in paragraph 12.2 above, should not be permitted to participate in the event.
12.4. All foreign competitors who take part in any international event must, if required by the organiser, supply a current Green Card (Carte Verte) or International Motor Insurance Card (Carte lnternationale d’Assurance Automobile) in English or French language which is valid for all the countries where the event takes place.
13.1. These rules, where applicable, are valid for all types of road going vehicles catered for by FIVA.
13.2. The Events Code 2005 as outlined above was ratified during the General Assembly hold in Budapest on October 30th, 2004.
13.3. Any further rules or decisions taken and published by the EC after the publication of this Events Code must be considered as a part of this code as long as the decisions follow the FIVA statutes.
The Chairman of the Events Commission (EC)
January 1st, 2005
Annex A
FIA – FIVA Agreement
The FIA-FIVA agreement as signed by the two presidents on October 27th 1999, states:
1 . FIA and FIVA will co-operate in order to defend the free and unrestricted circulation of
historic vehicles more efficiently and to promote together their non-sporting use, while
aiming to enhance safety.
2. FIA and FIVA will consolidate their long-standing privileged relationship and will
endeavour to persuade their respective national members to co-operate better in this field.
3. A relations committee will be established. It will be made up of an equal number of
representatives from each organisation (three for FIA and three for FIVA) and it will be
independent from the two organisations. Its task will be:
a. to identify problems of common concern and strategies to solve them;
b. to co-ordinate the activities of common interest in the various commissions and
working groups within both organisations;
c. to co-ordinate and supervise all contacts between the two organisations and other
bodies active in specific areas of the historic vehicles movement;
d. handling disagreements which may occur either between FIA and FIVA or, in a given
country, between members of each organisation.
4. The historic automobile events of a sporting nature shall remain within the exclusive
competence of FIA and its members.
5. Non sporting regularity events shall continue to be entitled to use either FIA or FIVA
6. The touring assemblies shall remain under the exclusive competence of FIVA and such
assemblies organised under the authority of the FIA shall respect the FIVA International
Events Code.
With regard specifically to historic regularity rallies, in order to prevent “grey areas”, which may
be detrimental to the historic movement and event safety, supplementary measures will be
agreed upon to eliminate the risk of current provisions being abused and speed – or shortest
time – becoming a deciding factor, even if only for limited sections of the event.
Annex Ba
Nom de la manifestation
Name of the event
Dates de la manifestation
Date of the event
Pays de la manifestation
Country(ies) of the event
Type de la manifestation (art. 2.2.)
Type of the event (art. 2.2.)
Manifestation de régularité Manifestation de longue distance
Regularity event Long distance
Manifestation touristique Concours d’ Elegance
Touring assembly
Catégorie de la manifestation (art 2.4.) Catégorie / Category “A”
Category of the event Catégorie / Category “B”
Longueur approx. de l’itinéraire Nombre approx. de participants
Approx. length of the event Approximate number of entries
Véhicules admissibles (classes art. 5.1.)
Eligible vehicles (class art. 5.1.)
Voitures Motocyclettes Véhicules utilitaires
Cars Motorcycles Utilitarian vehicles
Veullez marquer les cases comme suit:
Please complete your boxes as follows:
Yes/oui No/non
1) 2)
Yes/oui No/non
Yes/oui No/non
Yes/oui No/non
Annex Ba Page 2
Club ou fédération organisateur
Organising club or federation
Nom et adresse de l’organisateur
Name and address of the organiser
Remarques complémentaires
Additional remarks
Tél. / Phone: ………………………………………….
Fax: ……………………………………………………..
Signarure et tampon de l’organisateur:
Signed and stamped by the organisator:
Signarure et tampon de l‘ANF:
Signed and stamped by the ANF:
Annex C
Steward’s report on historic regularity events and touring assemblies
Rapport de l’observateur sur les manifestations historiques de régularité et sur les manifestations touristiques on / de
(Name of the event / Nom de la manifestation) name of the FIVA Steward, nom de l’observateur FIVA (Name and given name / nom et prénom)
This report to be sent to the chairman of the Events Commission of FIVA together with a copy of the results no later than 14 days after the event.
Ce rapport, ainsi qu’une copie des résultats, doit être envoyé au président de la Commission des Manifestations FIVA, 14 jours au plus tard après la manifestation.
Annex C Page 2
Name of event
Nom de la manifestation _________________________________________________
Date of the event
Date de la manifestation _________________________________________________
Number of days
Nombre de jours ____________
Country(ies) of event
Pays de la manifestation _________________________________________________
Number of entrants Number of foreign entrants
Nombre de participants _____________ Nombre de participants étrangers
Number of entrants of:
Nombre de participants de:
Classe / Cat. “A” _____________ Classe / Cat. “E” _____________
Classe / Cat. “B” _____________ Classe / Cat. “F” _____________
Classe / Cat. “C” _____________ Classe / Cat. “G” _____________
Classe / Cat. “D” _____________
Number of starters Number of finishers
Nombre de partants _____________ Nombre d’arrivants _____________
Total length of event
Distance totale de la manifestation _______________ (km)
Annex C Page 3
Note: An explanation for all “no” answers must be given in paragraph 11.
Une explication pour toutes les réponses négatives doit être donnée au paragraphe 11.
yes no
oui non
1.1. Did the regulations comply with art. 7.3.3.?
Les règlements sont-ils conformes à l’article 7.3.3.?
1.2. Were the programme and the regulations of the event sent to the FIVA Steward before the event?
Le programme et les règlements de la manifestation ont-ils été envoyés à l’observateur FIVA avant la manifestation?
1.3. Were the regulations published in French or English?
Les règlements étaient-ils publiés en français ou en anglais?
1.4. Was the layout of the regulations clear and convenient?
La présentation des règlements était-elle claire et facile à
yes no
oui non
2.1. Did the organisers comply with art. 6.3.?
Les organisateurs ont-ils satisfait à l’article 6.3.?
2.2. Did all vehicles comply with their FIVA Identity Cards?
If not, please attach the withdrawn FIVA Identity Cards
Tous les véhicules étaient-il conformes à leurs Cartes d’ Identité FIVA?
Sinon prière de joindre les Cartes d’Identité FIVA confisquées
2.3. Did the organisers comply with art. 7.2.?
Les organisateurs ont-ils satisfait à l’article 7.2.?
yes no
oui non
3.1. Was the road book clear and comprehensive?
Le livre de route était-il bien présenté et compréhensible?
3.2. Were the locations of controls accurately stated in the road
Les emplacements des contrôles étaient-ils bien indiqués dans le livre de route?
Annex C Page 4
yes no
oui non
3.3. Were the indications of intermediary and total distances exact?
Les chiffres donnés pour les distances intermédiaires et totales étaient-ils exacts?
3.4. Was a map with the complete route sent to the FIVA Steward before the event?
Une carte avec l’itinéraire complet a-t-elle été envoyée à l’observateur FIVA avant la manifestation?
yes no
oui non
4.1. Road sections / Tronçons routiers
4.1.1. Was the route suitable for the event?
Le parcours était-il adapté à la manifestation?
4.1.2. Were the regrouping, service times, places and choice of legs suitable for the event?
Le regroupement, les lieux et temps de service et le choix des étapes étaient-ils bien choisis?
4.1.3. Were the locations for the controls suitable?
Les emplacements des points de contrôles étaient-ils bien choisis?
4.2. Regularity sections / Sections de régularité
4.2.1. Were the sections set to test the skill and judgement of the crew?
Les étapes étaient-elles choisies pour mettre à l’épreuve l’habileté et le jugement de l’équipage?
4.2.2. Were the speeds set for the regularity sections suitable for the conditions of the road and traffic?
Les vitesses établies pour les étapes de régularité convenaient-elles aux conditions de route et de circulation?
4.2.3. Were the start and finish of all the regularity sections clearly marked and in suitable positions?
Les débuts et les fins des sections de régularité étaientils bien indiqués et situés dans des endroits convenables?
4.2.4. Did all regularity sections comply with the FIVA regulations? Toutes les sections de régularité étaientelles conformes aux règlements FIVA?
Annex C Page 5
yes no
oui non
5.1. Did the timetable take into account the difficulties of traffic and the crossing of built up areas?
L’horaire a-t-il pris en compte les dificultés de circulation et la traversée des agglomérations?
5.2. Was a good public information service carried out before and during the event?
Une bonne campagne d’information du public a-t-elle été menée à l’avance de la manifestation?
yes no
oui non
6.1. Was the clerk of the course competent?
Le directeur de la manifestation était-il compétent?
6.2. Was the national steward(s) competent and impartial?
Le ou les observateurs nationaux était-ils compétents et impartiaux?
6.3. Was the national steward(s) available for discussion with the
FIVA Steward before the start of the event?
Le ou les commissaires nationaux étaient-ils disponibles pour discuter avec l’observateur FIVA avant le début de la
yes no
oui non
7.1. Were the marshals competent?
Les commissaires étaient-ils compétents?
7.2. Were there enough of them to carry out their tasks properly?
Y-a-t-il eu un nombre suffisant de commissaires pour les besoins?
7.3. Did they apply the regulations in a “sporting” manner?
Les commissaires ont-il appliqué les règlements dans un esprit sportif?
Annex C Page 6
yes no
oui non
8.1. Were the instruments used suitable for the event?
L’équipement utilisé pour le chronométrage était-il adapté à la manifestation?
8.2. Was the synchronisation of instruments correct?
Les chronomètres étaient-ils correctement synchronisés?
yes no
oui non
9.1. During the running of the event were the results available and distributed at suitable points?
Lors du déroulement de la manifestation, les résultats étaient-ils disponibles et distribués à des endroits adaptés?
9.2. Were the provisional results confirmed by definite results?
Les résultats provisoires ont-ils été confirmés par les résultats définitifs?
9.3. Were there disqualifications?
Y-a-t-il eu des disqualifications?
9.4. Were there protests?
Y-a-t-il eu des protestations?
yes no
oui non
10.1. Was the event run in a competent manner?
La manifestation était-elle gérée de façon compétente?
10.2. Did the organisers comply with art. 7.4. and 7.5.?
Les organisateurs ont-ils suivi les instructions des articles 7.4. et 7.5.?
10.3. Was there a good relationship between the organisers and the competitors?
Y-avait-il de bons rapports entre organisateurs et participants?
10.4. Was suitable assistance given to foreign competitors when required?
Les participants étrangers, quand ils en ont eu besoin, ont-ils reçu une assistance convenable?
Annex C Page 7
yes no
oui non
10.5. Was enough “general information” given to foreign competitors to allow them to fully benefit from the visit to the country?
Les participants étrangers ont-ils reçu assez d’information générale pour leur permettre de profiter de leur séjour dans le pays?
10.6. Did the organisers comply with art. 7.1.8. and 7.1.9.?
Les organisateurs ont-ils suivis les instructions de l’article 7.1.8. et 7.1.9.?
(continue on a separate sheet if required)
(utiliser une feuille séparée, si nécessaire)
Additional sheet yes no
Feuille supplémentaire oui non
Additional sheet yes no
Feuille supplémentaire oui non
Steward’s signature
Signature de l’observateur ______________________________Date__________________
Kodex ke stažení ZDE.
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